Duane Tiede

Council Member
Since moving to Naperville over 30 years ago my wife, Connie, and our family joined Good Shepherd. Participation in CHRP and other educational opportunities were times of faith growth. I was heavily involved in all our building projects including 2000, 2010, and other updates leading to our current facility where I help with repair and maintenance. Previously I served two terms on the church council including one year as President, one as CFO, and on several Strategic Planning and Stewardship committees. Currently, I serve with the Welcome Ministry, Blessed Beginnings, and Missions working with the Cheryl’s Mission Team focusing on the new facility under construction.

I believe the Lord has blessed Good Shepherd’s ministry, providing guidance by the Holy Spirit. This has been demonstrated numerous times as we’ve made difficult decisions trusting that He is with us. I support our new mission statement since it reflects the Great Commission in Matthew 28. Good Shepherd is a Biblical-based, mission minded church and we have to maintain that focus keeping the main thing the main thing. I look forward to talking with many members gathering input for our next steps and praying that He will continue to lead us into the next phase in the life of Good Shepherd.