A Message from Pastor Tara Beth

In this moment, we stand on the shoulders of the faithfulness of previous generations, and previous seasons of Good Shepherd. We are the spiritual descendants of those who started Good Shepherd at Westmoreland, (some of you still worship with us regularly)! We’re the legacy of an Early Church who lived so boldly and beautifully in their time that God used them to transform an Empire (Acts 2:42-47).

This is our story, and it’s what allows us to look forward to what God has next for Good Shepherd.

Let's Move Forward

From Pastor Tara Beth

A new chapter of our story is opening up. I hope you take the time to explore our vision to move FORWARD together, to a future that has been fervently prayed for, and will only be made real by the power of the Holy Spirit. As you dive in, let me state the obvious: From a human point of view, there are lots of reasons not to do this, to not push ourselves, to not make any changes. At the same time—our church has something that this world so desperately needs.

Those in our community need to know we are FOR them, not against them. Our neighbors need to know that we are invested in their wellbeing just as much as our own. The World needs to know that the people of Good Shepherd are committed to reflecting God’s light to the ends of the earth. Do you believe that we can move FORWARD? I do. So, let’s not hunker down, pull in, and be fearful of the future. Let’s trust and serve the God who saves.

Total Goal - $9M raised over two years

For the World and For Our Neighbors — $.9M
The Forward Initiative has a monetary goal of raising $9 Million over the next two years. That means that our continuing investment in those who are vulnerable and hurting in the world through our global mission partners will be $900,000 over the next two years.

One example of this commitment played out at Cherish Watoto Kenya. We have proudly supported this one of a kind school and orphanage for almost 20 years, and as partners we have worked to come alongside these teachers and the incredible kids that make Cherish the incredible place that it is. The school extends to 8th grade, but as students leave Cherish to continue their education, they walk away from the joy of Cherish Watoto into uncertainty.

Yet we can now see a reality where the kids at Cherish have a more secure future, as land right next to Cherish became available for purchase. An anonymous lead gift was given to allow Good Shepherd to buy this land and there are endless opportunities ahead of us! We can extend their education by building a high school, we can create space for sustainable agriculture, we can create spaces for kids to be kids and play sports. The question is, how big will we be willing to dream with God?
For 1310 – $1.89M
We will complete necessary updates to our building so it may be a gathering place where people can connect relationally, grow spiritually, and thrive in community. These updates can serve anyone who calls Good Shepherd home, as well as those in our surrounding communities. Having a welcoming patio, expanding the reach of the cafe, and offering our building as a gathering place for everyone helps us radiate God’s love to people well beyond a Sunday morning. 
Ongoing Ministry — $6.21M
While we move FORWARD together, our mission will not change. We anticipate year over year growth within the operation of our ministries and will continue our progress on the major strategic initiatives essential to our church’s future. 

Take the Next Step

Advance Commitment Night

On October 27th at Benedictine University, we will host our Advanced Commitment Night. It's sure to be a powerful night of prayer, worship and testimony as we submit our plans to God. It won't be the same without you, so RSVP today!

Join a Life Group

Life Groups are one of the best ways to connect people in a community where they can share life and grow in faith. A Life Group has 8-12 people who meet regularly online or in-person to pray, discuss the sermons in greater detail, talk about how Scripture relates to their lives, and support each other through the highs and lows of life.


Download the Forward Booklet

The Forward Booklet is your guide to understanding what Forward means for Good Shepherd and the impact you can make. If you need a copy or a replacement, download the PDF here.

See the Latest Sermons, Stories, and Resources

Find all sermons, podcast episodes, and resources for Forward here.