Forward Resources

Forward Vision

We're moving Forward Together in Faith. Will you join us?

Forward Stories

These personal testimonies from our church family showcase how generosity transforms lives, strengthens faith, and fuels our mission to make an impact. Through their stories, you’ll hear how the spirit of giving has inspired hope, deepened connections, and empowered us to move Forward together.

Check out Sammie's story in the embedded video.

Hear more stories:

Sammie's Story

Dedicating Ourselves to Moving Forward in Faith — November 17, 2024

Pastor Tara Beth Leach & Pastor Greg Wenhold

Downloadable Resources

Forward Booklet

Devotional Booklet

Commitment Card

Forward Commitment Follow Up for Students

Podcast Episodes

Don't miss these Forward episodes of Good Shepherd's Encounter Faith podcast.

Week 1 — Finding Freedom Through Moving Forward In Faith

with Pastor Tara Beth Leach

Frequently Asked Questions

What are you asking me to do in this initiative?
First and foremost, we are asking that you pray and seek God’s guidance on what He is asking of you. Prepare your heart to hear Him, and then listen to what He says. Join a small group. Talk with a trusted friend or, if you’re married and have children, talk together about what this commitment will mean for this next season. We are asking that you make a sacrificial commitment so we can move Forward together in Faith through our generosity.
If I give to Forward, does that include my giving to Cherish Watoto?
Becoming a “One Fund” church many years ago, we made the conscious decision to no longer ask for two gifts in the form of “regular giving” and additional gifts toward capital campaigns. Instead, we simply ask that everyone bring their best gifts. Having said that, there are a few instances where a designated fund is most appropriate, which includes Cherish. Therefore, those that regularly support the incredible work that God is doing through Cherish Watoto Kenya should consider those gifts as separate from the Forward Initiative.
What’s the purpose of a generosity initiative? Don’t we have enough funds already?
Generosity initiatives serve several important purposes:

They provide a high-profile focal point for stewardship education, reflection and commitment. This is valuable to all of us but especially important for the many hundreds of people who have come into the life of Good Shepherd since 2022. FORWARD will help many households move closer to Christ and His Kingdom’s purposes.

They help us raise monies over-and-above our annual budget to address special needs and opportunities. Our annual budget covers the cost of the routine operations of our church and its ministries of worship, growth and service. Our “normal” budget, however, doesn’t cover the major renovations or special projects that make for a truly thriving church.
Why are we doing a generosity initiative? Is our current giving not enough?
In the course of a single year, we have welcomed a new senior pastor, a new associate pastor, multiple staff members, we have grown by 35%, and we have navigated the waters of leaving a denomination for another. We pray that this Generosity initiative has two outcomes: the first is a unified direction for a church that has been pulled in multiple directions and second, an increased capacity of hospitality and buy-in from those who call Good Shepherd their home church. This initiative will help bring us all together for the sole purpose of moving forward in faith to see the Kingdom come at 1310 as it is in heaven.  
Can I designate giving to one project?
Just like our regular giving, we are asking people to generously respond to the full FORWARD vision over the next two years through our FORWARD fund. Our leadership has been entrusted with the responsibility of prioritizing spending on the new initiatives and management of the funds and will do so with great care and stewardship of the resources that are given. Please reach out to Tom Anderson, Operations Executive Director, at if you have additional questions or would like to discuss this further.
In addition to cash, are there other ways I can give more to the FORWARD initiative?
Be prayerful and creative as you explore ways you can give to the initiative. You might have stock, property, or other items of value. You may have stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that He is calling you to give out of during this time. Please contact April Fecht at, or visit the Give page on our website to give or learn more about non-cash gifts.
We took on debt from the previous generosity initiative. Will we take on more debt or scale back the vision if we don’t reach our financial goal?
We believe that God is calling us to move forward together in faith, and that this initiative will be a key season in the rich history of the life of this church. As a result, we have no plans to scale back the vision, and through intentional seasons of prayer and discernment we believe that the $9 million dollar goal reflects our current generosity and where God is calling us to. It also has become obvious to us that we need to address how our Worship Center has become overcrowded. Therefore, we are prayerfully considering options to address this challenge, which could include taking out a loan to make necessary changes to help those currently not connected to our community feel like they can belong on a Sunday morning and throughout the week.
In addition to a financial commitment, how else can I participate in FORWARD?
We want everyone at Good Shepherd to engage on a transformative spiritual journey through FORWARD by praying, studying Scripture, participating in life groups and engaging others in the journey. Consider sharing your story with others. Join or lead a group. Serve faithfully or for the first time. Take the next step in your journey of discipleship and see what God does.


Check out our Forward page for more information about the initiative.

Tom Anderson, Good Shepherd's Operations Executive Director, is available to answer any further questions you may have.