Shepherd's Heart 12/20/24

Was Jesus born in a barn? That’s how many of us picture it, right? Away from people, society, and comfort—surrounded only by animals, some hay, and his parents. Jesus was born far away. Or was he? Maybe not.

We’re all familiar with the Christmas story in Luke: a census in Bethlehem, no room in the inn, and Jesus being born. But often, when we read Scripture, we fill in the gaps, adding storylines and details that aren’t actually there. Kenneth Bailey, in his insightful book Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, offers a perspective that challenges this common narrative.

Jesus wasn’t born far away, alone, or on the fringes. Instead, Bailey argues that Jesus was born in the midst of people—in the main area of a home, surrounded by family and warmth. In a typical Middle Eastern home, the animals would be kept in the same living space at night for warmth and safety. So, while Jesus wasn’t born in a guest room due to lack of space, he wasn’t relegated to a cold, isolated stable either. He was born right in the middle of the action, in a bustling, lively household.

What does this mean for us? It means Jesus wasn’t born detached from humanity’s everyday life. Instead, he was born right in the heart of it—in the chaos, the noise, and the mess of real life.

As one writer puts it, “The problem with the stable is that it distances Jesus from the rest of us. The message of the incarnation is that Jesus is one of us. He came to share in our lives, and it makes perfect sense that his birth happened in a crowded, welcoming home.”

For you and me, this changes everything. Jesus didn’t arrive far removed from the realities we face. He shows up in the middle of it—our noise, our chaos, our grief, and our joy.

The Good News of the Christmas story is this: God draws near. Jesus doesn’t stay at a distance; he enters into our lives, our homes, and our hearts.

This Christmas, may we remember that Jesus isn’t far away. He’s with us—right here, right now. That’s the Good News we celebrate.

~Pastor Jake Roberts
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