Kathy Felton

2024 - 2025 Council Secretary
My husband John and I, along with our two daughters (Kaylene Eschbach & Rachael Durie) have been attending Good Shepherd since 1993. lt's played such an important role in who we've all grown to be, in more ways than can be listed here. I have served in many capacities including: Worship Team (circa 1995 when it was volunteer-run), acolyte coordinator, altar guild, usher team coordinator, Sunday school teacher, volunteering at our preschool and many other church-wide events. Most recently, I served on the Associate Pastor Call Team (for Pr. Jake Roberts) and have joined the Tuesday Morning Women's Ministry.

Many things have transpired in the life of this church over those three decades but one constant has remained; Good Shepherd's tradition of "keeping the main thing, the main thing"; "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:37-39.

If I'm being honest, I never sought nor saw myself serving on Council, but God is driving this bus, In serving His church on Council or otherwise, I will seek God's guidance from the Holy Spirit through prayer, the Word, listening to others, and through circumstance. His will be done for the benefit of His kingdom.