Lent at Good Shepherd

Join us this Easter season as we come together in worship, reflection, and joy. This is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, the hope He brings, and the renewal of our faith. All are welcome. We are ready to offer whatever support your family needs, and genuinely believe that everyone, every child no matter their ability and every person no matter their church experience, can be welcomed to be a part of these meaningful moments with our church family.

Celebrate the Hope of Easter

Join us this Easter season as we come together in worship, reflection, and joy. This is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, the hope He brings, and the renewal of our faith. All are welcome for any of the below services and events. We offer certain accommodations and support that are detailed below but we invite everyone to be part of these meaningful moments with our church family.
Wednesdays from March 12 - April 9

Lent RESET Services

During Lent, please join us each Wednesday (and beyond) for a variety of services, including some opportunities away from Good Shepherd!
Prayer & Worship Service
Wednesday, March 12 

A Taizé service is a simple, meditative Christian prayer service that uses music, readings, and silence to promote reconciliation and peace. All are welcome!

• The nursery will be staffed but there will be no additional children's ministry programming
• Fusion Disability Support is available upon registration HERE

We will have tables with activities set up in the lobby for kids to take into service
Share a Meal Together
Wednesday, March 19

We invite everyone who calls Good Shepherd home to share a meal together, especially by welcoming someone new into your home. Here are some discussion questions to help guide meaningful conversations beyond the walls of Good Shepherd.
Serve at Loaves & Fishes
Wednesday, March 26

Loaves and Fishes is one of our key community partners, offering impactful ways to serve—whether by assisting in their food market or supporting other volunteer opportunities!

This year, you can sign up for Market Helpers and Courtesy Patrol. 10 slots available!

Monday, March 24th, 4:45 pm - 6:30 pm at the L&F Aurora Hub.  Sign up HERE
Wednesday, March 26th, 3:30 - 5:00 pm at the L&F Naperville Market. Sign up HERE
Prayer Walk Around Your Neighborhood
Wednesday, April 2

We’re encouraging everyone to join us in prayer this week and walk around their neighborhoods. We are For Our Neighbors, and that begins with prayer! Prayer prompts coming soon.
Prayer & Worship Service
Wednesday, April 9

A Taizé service is a simple, meditative Christian prayer service that uses music, readings, and silence to promote reconciliation and peace. All are welcome!

• The nursery will be staffed but there will be no additional children's ministry programming

We will have tables with activities set up in the lobby for kids to take into service
Saturday, April 12

Easter Bash

This worship and fellowship event is designed for our families with young children to share in the fun of Easter and remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior! A light breakfast will be served, we will have an egg hunt, and share in meaningful worship to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. Each family will get a project to take home and do together as we enter into Holy Week.
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Saturday, April 12
9:00 – 10:30am

All Families and Abilities are Welcome

Easter Bash is a sensory friendly event and welcomes ALL families. There will be a separate area for eating for those friends who need a calmer space to enjoy breakfast, and our All Abilities Ministry Staff will be on hand to provide support when needed, and the Sensory Room will be available for parents to use with their children when they need a break. Contact Autumn Wouk, our All Abilities Minister, with questions.

Volunteers Needed
Please look over our Sign Up Genius to see items we need as well as volunteers needed! This is a great opportunity to serve for middle and high school students.

For general Easter Bash questions, contact Debbie Balis, our Family Life Administrator.
Sunday, April 13

Palm Sunday

Join us in celebration of Palm Sunday, marking Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and signaling the start of Holy Week. Celebrated the Sunday before Easter, it sets the stage for the journey to the cross and resurrection.
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Sunday, April 13
9:00am & 10:45am

• Both service times offer Contemporary and Traditional style worship, and will be livestreamed on Youtube.
• All Children's and Fusion Disability Support is available
Thursday, April 17

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is a deeply significant day for Christians, commemorating the Last Supper, where Jesus shared his final meal with his disciples before the crucifixion. It also highlights Jesus’ act of humility in washing his disciples’ feet, setting an example of love and service. Join us for traditional worship in celebration.
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Thursday, April 17

•. Service will be held in our Sanctuary
•. Please note that we are not able to offer children’s ministry programming or Fusion Disability Ministry programming during this service. The nursery will be open but not staffed. We will have tables with activities set up in the lobby for kids to take into service

* Service will be livestreamed
Friday, April 18

Good Friday

Good Friday is a Christian holy day observing the crucifixion of Jesus and his death on the Cross.
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Friday, April 18
12:30pm* and 6:30pm

• Join us in the Sanctuary at 12:30pm and 6:30pm.
• Join us in the Worship Center at 6:30pm.
• The nursery will be open but only staffed at the 6:30 service. There will be no additional children's ministry programming.
• Fusion Disability Support is available during the 6:30pm service upon registration below
• We will have tables with activities set up in the lobby for kids to take into service

* Service will be livestreamed
Saturday, April 19

Easter Saturday

Join us as we celebrate Easter early, honoring the resurrection—the cornerstone of our faith. This is a special time for everyone who calls Good Shepherd home to come together in worship.
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Saturday, April 19
4:00pm* and 6:30pm

• Join us for contemporary worship in the Worship Center
• The nursery will be staffed at both services. There will be no additional children's ministry programming.
• Fusion Disability Support is available during the 4:00pm service upon registration below
• We will have tables with activities set up in the lobby for kids to take into service

* Service will be livestreamed
Sunday, April 20

Easter Sunday

The foundation of our faith is at the Cross. Easter Sunday celebrates how Christ defeated death, and is Lord and Savior to us all. Join us in worship and celebration!
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Sunday, April 20
9:00am*, 10:45am*, 12:30pm

• Join us for contemporary worship in the Worship Center at 9:00am, 10:45am*, and 12:30pm.
• Join us for traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 9:00am*, 10:45am, and 12:30pm (acoustic-style).
• The nursery will be staffed at all services. There will be no additional children's ministry programming.
• Fusion Disability Support is available during the 9:00am service upon registration below
• We will have tables with activities set up in the lobby for kids to take into service

* Service will be livestreamed

Holy Week Service

Coming soon—Ways to serve at Good Shepherd during Holy Week.