Shepherd's Heart 2/28/25

'Remember, you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’

These words will be spoken over each of us as we come forward to receive ashes in the sign on the cross on our foreheads this coming Wednesday. They are a reminder of the fact that we are sinful mortal beings and they call us to turn from our sin in repentance and lean into the story of Jesus.

I love that we as a church recognize and follow the Liturgical Calendar (beginning in Advent and culminating in Christ the King Sunday), because it envelopes us in God’s rhythms of grace. We are about to embark on the season of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday and continues through Maundy Thursday. Our journey through Lent is one of spiritual preparation and it mirrors Jesus’ journey in the Wilderness.

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. (Matthew 4:1-2)

We as followers of Jesus use it as a time of self-examination and reflection in the desire to develop deeper roots in the Lord. As Jesus fasted, we are called to fast. This self-denial encourages us to lean solely on the power and presence of Jesus in our lives. It makes Jesus’ road to the cross and sacrifice vividly come to life, and the joy of Easter morning radiate brighter than ever before. Lent is a time to reset our wayward trajectory.

I don’t know about you, but I’m in need of a RESET. I feel like with family, work, and life responsibilities that I’ve been moving 100mph. I’m going to hypothesize that many of you reading this are in need of a RESET too which is why we’re about to embark on a Lenten RESET journey. Each week of Lent, we’ll be focusing on different spiritual practices and expressions. We hope you join us for each of these impactful opportunities and may God bless you and form you more into the image of Jesus and if you have any questions, check out more details on our website.

Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday 12:30pm & 6:30PM @Good Shepherd

Wednesday, March 12: Prayer & Worship Service 6:30pm @Good Shepherd

Week of March 17-21: Share a meal with someone you haven’t before.

Week of March 24-28: Serve at Loaves and Fishes (or anywhere)

Week of March 31-April 4: Go on a Prayer walk around your neighborhood

Wednesday April 9: Prayer & Worship Service 6:30PM @Good Shepherd

Ryan Hammer
Creative Arts Executive Minister